A trip without unforeseen

We work with the best local providers in the region to ensure that your next trip is a safe, personalized, exceptional and unforgettable experience.

You will not pay more

Our prices are not higher than what you will find at destination. We do not charge management fees and we have a free cancellation policy for all our activities.

Inmediate attention

We accompany you before, during and after your trip to attend immediately to all your doubts and requirements, in your language and through the service channel that you prefer.

Our most request tours in Puno

Sail the Titicaca in a boat to the floating islands of the Uros and learn about life on the highest navigable lake in the world.


This tour lasts approximately 3 hours. The floating islands of the Uros are located within the bay of Lake Titicaca, just 12 kilometers from the city of Puno. The boat ride only takes about 27 minutes to reach the nearest islands.


USD 7.00 per person


In this adventure of 2 days and 1 night we will visit the most important islands on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca, these are the Uros Islands, Amantani and Taquile, doing experiential tourism with the inhabitants of these islands.


USD 40.00 per person

Tourist packages

Take advantage of our tour packages with unbeatable prices and services!

Favorite tours of our travelers

¡These tours can also be part of your favorite trips!